Many many places have coupons. A common request I get is how to find coupons that I will use. Meaning, I don't eat junk food so how can I get coupons for for my all-natural-made-local-from-scratch-organic energy bar? :)
The number one best way is to write (read email since no one actually uses stamps anymore) that favorite company of yours and tell them about their product. EVERY time I have done that, I have gotten coupons in the mail. Example. I LOVE Marzetti Caramel Dip. So I just got online and in 3 minutes filled out my info and just told them what a life saver they were at Halloween. Yesterday, to my surprise, I was sent a coupon for FREE Caramel Dip.
It takes 3 minutes or less. Anytime I have been less than satisfied with a product, like Pampers, I wrote (again, read email) them and I got a $5 off coupons. SURPRISE!
Now we take our walks around the mailbox every day just to see what fun things will be coming.
I get coupons from the Sunday paper. I go to the Dollar Store or to King Dollar every Saturday and get 4 papers for myself. I subscribe to one that comes to make sure that even if we are gone, I won't miss out on my coupons.
Now, here are other places to get online coupons.
For your grocery card:
Did I leave any out?
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