Planning. When it comes to, well, anything, having a plan in mind will make things a LOT easier. Every Sunday night I plan. I plan out our meals and who has date night and everything in between. Sometimes we don't follow the plan but it feels nice having one.
With food storage and meal planning, a plan is needed. A plan is ESSENTIAL. Where to start though? I will get to that later. For now, jot down what you are going to have for dinner each day this week. Mine looks something like this:
Monday: Pizza Monday (this is a tradition I an starting today) We do either the Papa Murphey's $5.99 pizza deal on Mondays or we make pizza
Tuesday: Crock Pot
Wednesday: Meat Free Meal
Thursday: Husband cooks night
Friday: Date night
Saturday: Crock pot
Sunday: Family dinner
I add in the details according to 1) what I have on hand and is going to expire 2) what is on sale this week. I like to try one new meal each week to keep variety. This can be a dessert, a side or a main dish.
Get out your planners or blackberries or back of the utilities bill and jot down your menu. This reduces costs and saves time staring inside the freezer willing something to appear. Has this been helpful? Be sure to share your ideas.
I need to do that again. I use to do a month at a time when the kids were younger. I've gotten lazy with just 3 kids at home and don't plan so much so thanks for the incentive.